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The inhabitants of New Leaf Acres are what we call “5 family strong” (plus animals). My husband, myself, and our energetic three children. We strive to daily love our Lord, each other and those around us. We daily work as a team to take care of what God has given us. God has blessed us with an amazing family, home and an Iowa acreage to care for. On this said acreage are 13-ish acres in which children, adults and several dogs run free. As my mother said, “your dogs landed with their butts in the butter.” Ha. So true. They usually sleep inside (unless I just cleaned the floors and they’re caked in mud). If they need to spend the night outside, they have a kennel with a large run, which leads into a heated room in our shed. They spend most of the day with me and get at least 2-10 miles of exercise daily roaming the gravel roads with me. I’ve laughed several times watching through windows as our cats decide to use our dogs as beds. However, I’ve seen UPS drivers and strangers being held at bay thanks to our dogs’ “greetings”. My husband especially likes that when young boys come to say hello to our daughters.

My husband, Steve, and I have always grown up with a multitude of animals. Steve grew up on a farm and has a wide variety of animal experience, while I was one of those kids who had to beg for a pet. I gave up asking my parents and started praying….knowing God could get things done. I was seven. Amazingly, a pregnant cat who showed up in the back yard and “adopted” us. She had several kittens. My parents allowed me to keep one. Her name was KC. Thus started the spiral of my parents listening to my pleas for animals. I then acquired a horse, Elizabeth, and my first Golden Retriever, Cassie. I was one of those people born an animal lover.

On my first date with my husband we talked about our first dogs.  Mine was named Cassie, a Golden Retriever and his was named Allie, a Golden Shepherd. We both agreed on that first date that we’d never live without a Golden Retriever if in our power. We love all Goldens, but the Cream/White coloring has become my favorite. Their beautiful, sweet, have more of a "blocky head and chest" and most importantly they've been bred more for lasting health. My husband also had several German Shepherds in his years growing up. After hearing some amazing stories about his Germans, we have had several ourselves. If you’re curious about the different characteristics of the breeds we have and want more info on if they’re right for you click HERE.

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